facts and figures

facts and figures

Air pollution, is the biggest environmental health threat that contributes to the premature death of millions of people worldwide.

At 51%, wood burning is the largest source of PM2.5 emissions in the EU.

(Wood burning is responsible for more fine dust emissions than traffic)

The most harmful components of wood smoke are invisible to the naked eye. Just because you don’t see smoke doesn’t mean you won’t be harmed.

If you burn one kilogram of wood, 1,000,000 m3 of pure air is polluted. That means an area of ​​100,000m2 up to a height of 10m

A wood stove that meets the strictest eco-design requirements emits 650 times more particles than a modern truck, study

Wood smoke contains most of the same carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens found in tobacco smoke, but in much larger quantities.

Burning 1 kg of wood releases as much benzo(a)pyrene as 27,333 cigarettes. (Benzo[a]pyrene is one of the longest known and studied cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds)

Researchers have found evidence that wood smoke is more carcinogenic than tobacco smoke and can trigger more gene mutations than traffic fumes.

Wood smoke extract is 30 times more likely to produce tumors than cigarette smoke.

Due to the small size of the fine dust particles, you can hardly protect yourself from them – not even by closing windows

Landfill operators are liable for the safe disposal of ash for 30 years