Think that clearcutting and the over-exploitation of forests is not a problem in Switzerland? Think again!
Our gallery illustrates what is happening in Switzerland despite our “robust” forest laws, which are being undermined by loopholes and new but unfounded silvicultural theories like “climate resilient forests”.
Remember that forests are the basis for life. They filter 40% of Swiss drinking water; provide clean, cool air; shelter our wildlife; regulate weather extremes; give us places to play and relax; and much, much more.”
Are increasing, despite strict forest laws that prohibit the practice.
Is profit-driven and more and more wood is being burnt — 76% of all hardwood harvested in Switzerland in 2023 went up in flames and the trend is on the up.
Come with multiple, severe and documented impacts on human health.
District heating systems
Are multiplying across Switzerland and are fed primarily with woodchips or pellets. They range from small, mobile devices to the largest waste incineration plants which are often co-fired with woody biomass.
Forestry machines
Are getting heavier, larger and more efficient, resulting in more radical logging and soil compaction. To amortise their high capital costs, such machines are increasingly being used to log all year round, including during the nesting period, with untold impacts on wildlife and biodiversity.
Wood pellets and wood chips
Not only produced of “waste wood”, but also of healthy and/or old trees.
Natural events
Natural events such as landslides, floods and avalanches will increase as the world warms. Cutting down forests doesn’t help. Shockingly, protection forests which make up half of all Swiss forests and which mitigate these disasters are increasingly being cut down.